So many modern pop tunes are steeped in the tradition of hollow lyricism. Music is paired with words in an arranged marriage of two industry barons, with neither sounding particularly thrilled or lively. Fortunately, writer and performer Jake Bennett knows no such false romances, and his laugh-out-loud words pair perfectly with this snarky pop anthem that’s ripe for summer stereo listening.

“I Hope Your Mum Hates Him” is the most pleasant-sounding retort since Rhett Butler’s indictment of Scarlet O’Hara. No matter how happy your ex seems, who hasn’t secretly wanted to be the one who ends up on top? Bennett takes that familiar premise and manages to build it into a satisfying singalong, perfectly balancing the playground jabs with actual sincerity. Starting off by insisting “I’m not being selfish / I know that we’re done,” and giving frequent shouted reminders that “Your mom still likes me!” the song eventually contemplates the impossible: “Oh fuck / What if he’s perfect? / Does that make me worthless?”
It’s journeys like these that make Bennett’s love of songwriting so palpable. After getting his start in South African rock group Early Hours, he’s transitioned into a promising solo career in Los Angeles. Along the way, he’s clearly found his niche, writing booze-soaked morning-after confessions with a twinkle in his eyes and a few buttons undone. On “Mum” in particular, the brilliant production has echoes of Paramore’s After Laughter, but the sensibilities lie more in songwriting powerhouses like Will Varley and Frank Turner, balancing profanity and cogent analysis in equal measure.
It's tempting to compare Bennett’s rapid-fire delivery with fellow pop heartthrobs a lá Jason Mraz and Ed Sheeran, but repeated listens give a glimpse of something more sophisticated and thoughtful. His exuberance for the world seeps into everything he writes, but he’s seen enough to know that you can’t build a worldview on pop joys alone. And that is where the strength in this music lies. The youthful entertainer spirit is what will attract most to Bennett, but the sharp wit and depth are sure to keep them there, dancing and laughing all night long.
Listen to "I Hope Your Mum Hates Him" here.